Friday, April 24, 2009


We have met some really nice people in the past 10 ½ months. Some have come to us via connections from home. Some from meeting them at guest houses or hotels. The person I am about to tell you about came to us through our quest to learn Espanol.

I requested via TripAdvisor any leads for a Spanish teacher in Buenos Aires. I got a private message that said Paz Iguacel would be a good fit. The message was from her husband, Francisco. Good job, Francisco. I e-mailed Paz and almost immediately got a long response describing her abilities and a picture of her hanging out a window in a Paris flat. A very chic way to start.

We met her shortly after we arrived in Buenos Aires and hit it off immediately. She was intent on us learning as much as we could in the ten sessions that we agreed upon. She made the classes interesting not just for lisa and I, but for the girls as well. We played games such as being in a restaurant where we were the patrons and she was the waiter and we had to ask questions and place our order in Espanol. At our second class, she brought mate, the Argentine national obsession – kinda like a tea – and showed us how to prepare it and drink it. Another morning it was all of us in the kitchen preparing Argentine panqueques from an espanol recipe. Yummy. We went out another day and visited Puerto Modero, an upscale area down by the Rio de la Plata. Fun.

After the first class, I mentioned we were planning on going to the Hippodromo to watch the horse races one day while we were here. She turned it around and invited us all as the guests of she and Francisco. She grew up in a thoroughbred horse racing family so she definitely knew her way around the track. We had a great time and Siena won 16 pesos, I'm sure because of the good advice Paz gave on “how to bet in Espanol”. We had dinner out afterwards and shared our lives on the road and their recent two plus years in Sweden and Switzerland.

Paz, we enjoyed getting to know you. Mucho Gusto. You helped us when we needed assistance and made our stay here in Buenos Aires very enjoyable. Thanks for being the terrific and fun person you are.

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